Saturday, September 20, 2008

Going After a Deeper Belief

Well.... I'm new to this blogging thing. Not sure if this will even make it out there. I hope to make some new Christian friends. Can never have too many. I am doing a Beth More Bible Study with my church girls. And man I am so excited. My first ever was Stepping Up, awesome experience with the Lord. Then I attended her conference in San Antonio. WOW!!! The worship was amazing! And I believe God moved through Beth. I have goose bumps still remembering it. Amazing time!! And now I am studying Believing in God. Just started but I am up at night. Can't sleep. I am so excited to hear God speaking once again in my life. I learned that I think I have put God in the box. I didn't even realize it. Through the way I view God from my childhood experiences, to God became smaller from past ways of seeking Him. I am now putting him outside that box and the minute I did it, things are moving. In my heart, my families. WOW!! My hubby and I do not read the bible together, and now we do, its a work in progress but we are doing it! I asked him to pray for a work situation, (it never dawned on me to ask him to pray for me) and he did!!! I wanted to cry! He even called me at work to see if it worked. And I said it did and so excited to learn that he actually did it. I teared up. He was so funny he said WOW! I only said one if I would have said two there would have been lightening bolts!! Too funny! I need to capture the feeling I have and put it in a box, to come back to when I need a fresh reminder, but never again will I capture HIM in a box. And seeing in the bible how God sometimes reacts according to your faith. Huge eye-opener. I want a deeper belief in God! A deeper connection and relationship with Him. I am so excited I can't stand it. I feel like my spirit is going to implode my body. Your new blogger friend in Christ.....T

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hi There! I'm glad to "meet" you. Love your blog design.

I'm a HUGE fan of Beth Moore.... She is just such an amazing witness to what living out this life with Jesus looks like. So happy for you to have gone to the San Antonio event. I bet it was awesome!

I totally understand putting God in a box. Isn't He so awesome to allow us the grace to connect with Him again whenever we desire it? Our God is so good.

Have a wonderful start to your week!