James 1:5 NLT
5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.
The first person I seek out when I dont know what to do is usually my husband. I wish I could say its always God first. There has been times when it is God but more times than not its my hubby or a close friend. .
Things become complicated because this world is complicated. Things happen, circumstances are made sometimes of my own doing and I face complicated decisions. I am thankful that I have a resource thats available at all times. God, the source of all wisdom, invites us to share our dilemmas with him. He makes his wisdom available to us. I like that thought , that truth. He invites me to share whatever is on my heart.
In order to take full adavantage of this opportunity, I have to forget about what I want or what I think should happen and let God guide me. More times than not I go to others because I want someone to agree with me. Or I want someone to make me feel good about my decisions. But it does not work with God this way. I have to fully trust and rely on him to guide me, and totally empty myself of my own wisdom. Its hard, because I can be pretty stubborn.
When I eventually talk to God, I love that I can do just that, talk. Talk out the pros and cons of whatever the situation may be knowing he hears me. He works in my mind and heart then. I just wish I would make it my first response to run to him. If I want wisdom all I need to do is ask. Removing my own wisdom is hard. But when I eventually do, I have this ah ha moment and think why didn't I go to him first. So I think as this new year is moving foward, I want to come out stronger by going to God first.
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