Friday, January 30, 2009


Well, I did it. I quite my job that was full of negativity every day. So here I am pounding the pavement looking for a J-O-B. It feels very weird to be doing that again. I was wanting to have a better exit plan, say a job before I quite. But sitting at my desk and just seeing the joy sucked right out of me, I had to get up and get out. And so I did. Am I worried? A little in this economy. But I am so at peace and that speaks much too my heart, that it was in God's will. Believe me when I say I had tried turning the other cheek, biting my tongue, memorizing scripture, forgiving, forgiving, and doing it some more, and going out of the way to show kindness, praying for a changed heart. It's been nice being home when my son gets home. But my feet hurt pounding the pavement until 3 or 3:30 everyday. I just quit on Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday I put out resumes. I say close to 100-125 resumes. And that is down one street. So far I have had two interviews. One offer, which I turned down. Hours did not work for our family life. I keep telling myself it's only been three days not to worry. God will provide the right, perfect job for me. I am amazed at the peace he has given me so far. And how he has helped relieve the anxiety and worrying of not having a job. God is faithful!!! P.S. Whoever reads this if you wouldn't mind slipping a prayer in for me I would be so grateful. God Bless!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


We went to a meeting this morning about transitioning our pre-teen from the elementary to the youth group. Let me just say it was awesome and my church as got it going on for him. But can I just say it was bitter sweet. I am trying not to rest in this panic mode. It stated that if your son is in 5th grade you have 364 weekends until he is an adult. What???? And my in is in 6th grade so that is even less. Can I say where's the panic button?? They gave us all a jar of baby food. (Note to self remove from purse) We repeated a promise to our son to stay growing in the Lord and other things by being fed in God's word. And he also repeated a promise. Can I say trickling tears. We were given some resources too. While I was reading an excerpt of one, I was trying not to be in full blown panic mode. The verse memorization I am doing (see blog below), I am going to have to find some on this as well. lol I have this vision of my bible and all these help books on raising a teenager all around me as I have passed out from be so overwhelmed.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Psalm 112:7

He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

I am memorizing two verses a month. A committment I made on the LMP Blog. I am a worrier. And this verse is helping me to stay calm and not to have that stinkin thinkin.