Saturday, June 13, 2009


OK I am realizing I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to our son. My poor hubby. This weekend is where my hubby and son have been gone to talk about true love waiting. We got this study, I guess who would call it , called Passport2Purity from our church. It is an awesome adventure and weekend for them. Since we decided to do it, I have let Steve have the reins because it's something fathers do with sons and moms do with daughters. Can I say no fair!! I only have a son! And yes, I feel left out of the loop!! Because I knew I would be this way from the get go I left it to my hubby to prepare and plan. And the night before they were to leave I hit the panic button!!! Because I felt so in the dark! But he did a fabulous job, I think!!! They are there right now. I am praying it resonates in our son's heart. There are a lot of hands on examples. I can't wait to hear from my hubby. As parents we each got to write a letter to him, but I still am so missing out!! But I truly believe it is best!!! They talk about some pretty tough guy issues as well. It was tough to let go and let God!!! I am sure the three of them as my friend told me are having a growing moment. (Father, Son, and God)


I am so excited!!!!! I am leading my first bible study!!! Get out of that Pit by Beth Moore. I am so excited yet so nervous. I thought it would be a video like all the others, but it is just the book with questions. NO VIDEO!!! PANIC BUTTON!!! God is definitely going to have to show up!! Praying God takes me out of it and its all him. Love that I am trusting God for it!! We have had our first study. It was great!! I am thankful for these group of women. There were some light bulb moments already. So I am excited to see God moving.

Here is a little of what I learned. Your not supposed to be content in a pit and some things were not meant to be accepted. And don't make the best of it, get out!!! A neat fresh word, Beth Moore wrote it like this: When Christ said, Come follow me, inherent in His invitation to come was the equivalent invitation to leave. It never dawned on me. I love getting a fresh light bulb moment.
No matter where we go a pit always fits. We may think changing the situation will do, but we still live in the same old pit. We just change the scenery and redecorate it, but we still live in the same old pit. Ans sometimes it is the familiarity of it that we would.' think of moving on without it.
A pit isn't always one of sin. Your in a pit when you feel stuck. Psalm 40: 2a describes a pit, He lifted me out of the slimy pit out of the mud and mire... So stuck you can't get yourself out of it. It only gets deeper no maintenance level in a pit. In a pit you can't stand up. You have to take Your stand against the real enemy satan!! No one can do it for you, if I want to be victorious I have to stand with my own two feet on solid ground! a pit is satan's grave for us. If I fall into it, satan can not make me stay but ironically neither will God make me leave. That hit home to me. That it is up to me to make the choice. Sometimes we have to put forth the effort, instead of waiting for God to just do it with the glorious glowing light and angels singing, AHHH AHHH !!!
And you loose your vision. We are convinced there is no where else to go. We focus so much on the pit that we forget to look up!! Look up!!! When we set our feet on the rock its allows us to the enemy's activity around us.

Eterinty Forever changed

My friend who fought cancer, lost her battle and passed away. Her eternity has been changed for forever but I wished she could have lived out loud a little longer for him. God's timing is the best. He is the God of hope! I was asked to speak at her viewing and I did. I didn't prepare anything because I wanted it from my heart. My pastor asked me to speak of my testimony of how I prayed for her and hubby and about her accepting Christ. I was so nervous. Steve said I did great, he had tears in his eyes when I got back to our seat, so I guess I did. Afterwards several couples came up to me and thanked me for being so bold and giving them the reassurance that they would see her again. I didn't know anything else to do but blubber!!! lol And a teacher friend of hers asked where I went to church because she was coming!! God is still working from this situation. He is powerful!!


I have been busy running my son here and there. haven't had much time to blog... SORRY my friends out in web world! He did baseball for the first time ever. He has hit a couple home runs and a GRAND SLAM! Bases loaded, 2 outs, and a full count. He knocks it out of the park. I am his loudest fan!!! lol He received the game ball the umps signed it as well as the coaches. They call him the Hammer!!! Too funny. The coach said our best hitter has never had any formal training. Just mom and dad in the back yard last summer. he said Mom I am really proud of myself.
I am not sure I have ever heard him say that.
He is now in the older youth group at church and its in the works to start in the worship band for his Ablaze youth group. He is excited about it.
He has two camps back to back starting in a couple of weeks. Scout and then church. I am looking forward to some sweet hubby time. I will miss him greatly but I am excited about our time together.

I am still lovin my job and the co-workers there. I have a few that God has already laid upon my heart. Its slow goin with them but I am hoping God will use me like at the last job.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Continued story from April 4th......

I was doubting God in using me for what I fill called to do. Things seem to be stopping that road for me. I am waiting patiently but also am wondering if teaching is wear God called me. I let my mind go there for a while.
Then my neighbor / pastor/ friend just knocked on my door. To let me know my friend is going down hill fast. Not much longer the doctors say. She is now in hospice. I am going to see her tomorrow. But offered engorgement to me that God used me. HE USED ME and now there is a difference in her eternity. PRAISE GOD!! And just when God knew I needed a word from him. To wait patiently and he will use me. Its all in his time. God is so faithful!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Easter Sunday was a day full of emotion. I found out my mom was put in the hospital in Indiana w/ blood clots in her lungs. I flew down Monday night to be there. She is doing much better but the blood clots will be there for years before they will dissolve. That scares me. I just hold tight to me verses about fear. Psalm 112:7. She is on blood thinners but becomes very tired easily.
I was bawling in church because of her but yet rejoicing at the same time because of God's sacrifice of his only son. When I put it in that perspective
(a parents) I am reminded how much God actually loves me and everyone. This Easter we really made it special for my family. Usually we do not dress up but we did. I wanted to make it a celebration for our family not just another holiday. It was nice to give honor to Christ and worship him as a family together. Here are some pics.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

8th verse

Psalm 138:8
The Lord will fulfill his purpose, for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever- do not abandon the works of your hands.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

God has me so pumped!!!

I wanted to give you a follow up on my Feb 8th blog. So look there first then finish the rest of the story hear.....

I had invited this couple to church as well. I kept an eye out but every Sunday they were not there. Well two Sundays ago, I was walking into the bathroom and there they were standing there. Her health seemed to be going down hill. She is now in a wheel chair. But I was so excited they were there, and expressed that to them.

Next Sunday they came again. WOW! The message was perfect. It was about God's grace and accepting it. During our closing worship she asked if we could talk outside. I thought oh no her cancers back. They accepted Christ right then in there. But I am so thankful to God to allow me to share in this. I am so awestruck.

Then my husband says, babe you know you soon quite your negative job after you prayed with him. He said something profound to me. He said now you know your suffering there had a purpose. Man is God great or what? To give that to my husband to bring to my attention and spirit. God is faithful.
I am a little behind in sharing my scriptures. 5th-7th verses
1 Thessalonians 5 23-24
May god himself the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who called you is faithful and will do it.

Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart for it is the well spring of life.

2 Corinthians 10:4
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of this world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Catchin up

God is Awesome. This new job is great. I love it so much. I come home with a smile everyday. I never realized how much emotional garbage that I brought home from the previous job. I do not hurt as much, I sleep and actually at times I do not toss and turn and sometimes even hit R.E.M. sleep. lol I smile all the time and there is no stress. The people are nice so far and easy going. Love it!

I did break my toes. I dropped 3 lbs. of frozen hamburger on them. Went to go get x-rays per my doc and as I was leaving, a lady wrecked into me. Luckily we were sitting at a stop sign. Unfortunately she was on the cell phone, She said "I thought I was in the right lane already??????" She was in the left and I in the right and she decided to turn right. She has asked me not to go through insurance. We got estimate $2,500.00. I said I would not fix it until I received money from her. I called a few minutes ago to leave a message. If I don't hear back we will file with her insurance. I did file a police report at the scene. I always believe there are good in people. And I feel I have another option if she doesn't want to pay. So I am not to worried yet. But because I am so happy now, I was able not to be upset at the time of the scene and calm her down and reassure her. Weird hey! We were actually laughing before it was over. Now there was a first for me.

My toes still hurt but the bruising is going away. And I have a not so fashionable boot to wear. lol I can't wear heels right now. I would like like someone who was really trying to be bop down the hallway. lol

Today is my birthday. My hubby met me for lunch and bought some awesome outfits. Love him!! Good job babe. He is making dinner too. (But hey, wheres the purse??? jk I am a purseaholic.) lol Funny story

It is spring break for my son. When I got home the house was full of kids. lol It was an awesome thing to see and hear. My hubby was off work today.

I am behind on my bible study so I need to stop this blog and get on with it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

4th memory verse

James 2:19
My Dear brothers, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


A few weeks ago my pastor was talking about not missing the opportunity to do God's work. He said instead of saying I will pray for you, say can I pray for you now. So I prayed that God would bring someone to me that I could pray for. Where I used to work, is a couple so loving to each other. His wife has beaten cancer twice, but from the radiation became really sick and almost died, and then had a stroke and was coming where I worked for physical therapy. They were always so positive and encouraged me when I was dealing with so much negativity. I asked how was your weekend and he said well it sucked. Found out his wife's job was being eliminated. I was telling how he was such a good husband to her and he said my shoulders are about to break. I talked to him about church ad if he attended and invited him to mine. And when I was getting ready to leave I asked if I could pray for him. He cried and I bawled. But I prayed their in our waiting area, for their financial need and for God to let him see he hasn't forgotten them. I walked out sobbing but smiling. And the best part was that instead of bringing home the negativity of my work place I brought home the excitement for God. It was amazing!! I can't believe I forgot to tell all my blogger friends. Amazing GOD!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Just got a call the girl that was quiting decided to stay. So I am jobless once more. I looked at my hubby after a moment of panic, and said hubby, I got a job... just kidding. lol I would rather find the humor than cry and panic. Note here... Worrying is what I do best. Stuck to my scriptures I am memorizing and my panic has been kept at bay. GOD IS GOOD!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I got a job. He supplied the perfect job. I picked my hours, my pay, and it is close to home. Sweet Jesus. I am so excited. I can't wait to let Jesus flow through me. Hands up to God!!!! Thank you Jesus.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Memory Verses 2 & 3

Here are the LPM memory verses I am memorizing. I forgot to blog Jan. 15th's verse:
Luke 1:45
Blessed is she who believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.

Feb 1st verse:
Isiah 4:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Well, I did it. I quite my job that was full of negativity every day. So here I am pounding the pavement looking for a J-O-B. It feels very weird to be doing that again. I was wanting to have a better exit plan, say a job before I quite. But sitting at my desk and just seeing the joy sucked right out of me, I had to get up and get out. And so I did. Am I worried? A little in this economy. But I am so at peace and that speaks much too my heart, that it was in God's will. Believe me when I say I had tried turning the other cheek, biting my tongue, memorizing scripture, forgiving, forgiving, and doing it some more, and going out of the way to show kindness, praying for a changed heart. It's been nice being home when my son gets home. But my feet hurt pounding the pavement until 3 or 3:30 everyday. I just quit on Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday I put out resumes. I say close to 100-125 resumes. And that is down one street. So far I have had two interviews. One offer, which I turned down. Hours did not work for our family life. I keep telling myself it's only been three days not to worry. God will provide the right, perfect job for me. I am amazed at the peace he has given me so far. And how he has helped relieve the anxiety and worrying of not having a job. God is faithful!!! P.S. Whoever reads this if you wouldn't mind slipping a prayer in for me I would be so grateful. God Bless!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


We went to a meeting this morning about transitioning our pre-teen from the elementary to the youth group. Let me just say it was awesome and my church as got it going on for him. But can I just say it was bitter sweet. I am trying not to rest in this panic mode. It stated that if your son is in 5th grade you have 364 weekends until he is an adult. What???? And my in is in 6th grade so that is even less. Can I say where's the panic button?? They gave us all a jar of baby food. (Note to self remove from purse) We repeated a promise to our son to stay growing in the Lord and other things by being fed in God's word. And he also repeated a promise. Can I say trickling tears. We were given some resources too. While I was reading an excerpt of one, I was trying not to be in full blown panic mode. The verse memorization I am doing (see blog below), I am going to have to find some on this as well. lol I have this vision of my bible and all these help books on raising a teenager all around me as I have passed out from be so overwhelmed.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Psalm 112:7

He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

I am memorizing two verses a month. A committment I made on the LMP Blog. I am a worrier. And this verse is helping me to stay calm and not to have that stinkin thinkin.